Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kinetic Model of Matter

Substances such as water can exist in 3 states. These 3 states of matter are Solid, Liquid and Gas. The state of water is dependent on two key factors which are it's tenperature and the atmosphereic pressure. Take water for instance. Ice is water in its solid state. It is formed when temperature hits 0 degree celsius (freezing point of water) or below at atnospheric temperature. However, when water boils at 100 degree celsius and above, it forms water vapour and steam, which is the gaseous state of water. An example of water in its liquid form would be the liquid that we consume, which is usually at room temperature.

A video clip showing the properties of the three states of matter are can be found in this website

The Kinetic model of matter explains the reasons for the properties of matters by examining the arrangment and movement of particles. The irregular motion of smoke particles in the air is called Brownian motion. It occurs only in liquids or gases.

What causes Brownian motion?

It is cause by the bombardment of air molecules on smoke particles in air or water molecules on pollen grains in water.

Above is a picture of Robert Brown, inventer of the Brownian motion.

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